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KRG Spokesperson’s statement on Turkish military movement

SAT, 5 DEC 2015 19:37 | KRG Cabinet

Regarding Turkey's transfer of military equipment to a military training base in Mosul governorate, Kurdistan Regional Government, KRG, spokesperson, Mr Safeen Dizayee, made the following statement:

Within the framework of the international coalition against the Islamic State terrorist organisation, ISIS, Turkey opened tow military training bases for Peshmerga forces in the end of 2014 in Soran and Qalacholan districts, in the Kurdistan Region.

It has also, during the same period, opened a training base for other Iraqi forces in Mosul governorate and provided military assistance.

In the past days, military equipment and logistics have been transferred to this base in order to expand the capacity of the training base in Mosul governorate.

Safeen Dizayee
KRG Spokesperson

5 December 2015