Kurdistan Regional Government
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Prime Minister Barzani calls upon Iraqi parties and the international community to help prevent war

FRI, 13 OCT 2017 17:46 | KRG Cabinet

On October 10th, 2017, Iraqi Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mr. Haider Al-Abadi, held a press conference in which he threatened to launch a military attack by the Iraqi armed forces and Popular Mobilization Units against Kurdistan and the Peshmerga Forces. Over the past few days, PMU and Iraqi forces have been amassing their forces along Peshmerga defense lines around Mosul all the way to the environs of Kirkuk and Khanaqin, with the intention of attacking the Peshmergas.

We, in the Kurdistan Regional Government, call upon Grand Ayatolla Ali Sistani, all Iraqi parties, civil and peace organizations, the United Nations, the United States of America, the European Union, the anti-ISIS coalition countries, member states of the U.N. Security Council and neighboring countries to play their role and urgently intervene to prevent a new war in the region. We also ask the Iraqi and foreign forces to avoid inciting war, as it will have direct and grave consequences on Iraq's internal situation and the entire region. It will also help the resurgence of the so-called Islamic State and other terrorist organizations in the area.

In order to find genuine solutions to all standing issues, we reiterate our readiness to engage in a constructive dialogue; therefore we hold opposing parties and the Commander-in-Chief of Iraqi Armed Forces, Mr. Haider Al-Abadi, accountable for any violence and negative consequences.

We ask the citizens of Kurdistan, Kurds, Arabs, Turkomans and Christians to stand tall against any aggression and fully support the Peshmergas that defend the cities and towns of Kurdistan, and to make sure our cities are protected from mass destruction and massacres, as we have seen in Mosul, Anbar and other Iraqi cities. We also ask all political and non-political parties in Kurdistan to unite in order to protect peace and defend Kurdistan.

The cities of the Kurdistan Region have been a safe haven for hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons and victims of ISIS and Iraqi sectarian war. We are surprised that the Iraqi government wants to destabilize these areas as well, with a military attack.

In 2014, when the Iraqi Army fled from Kirkuk and its surroundings, and left their weapons to ISIS, the Peshmerga Forces moved quickly to protect the civilians from ISIS atrocities. Since then, those areas have enjoyed unprecedented peace and stability, thanks to the sacrifices made by Peshmerga Forces, police and law enforcements and citizens' cooperation with these forces.

We have continuously stated that no solution should be imposed on the citizens of these areas against their will, and an inclusive administration must be established that truly represents the components of these areas.  The Kurdistan Regional Government is ready to assist.

Once again, we reiterate our willingness to engage in serious dialogue and we are against resorting to violence in order to address disagreements. All standing issues should be dealt with though negotiations and peaceful means. Our calls for dialogue and negotiations must not be answered with threats, amassing forces and preparations for war.


Nechirvan Barzani
Prime Minister
Kurdistan Regional Government