Kurdistan Regional Government
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Prime Minister Barzani and Nadia Murad discuss the plight of the Yezidis

FRI, 14 DEC 2018 20:47 | KRG Cabinet

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (cabinet.gov.krd) - Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani received Nobel Laureate Ms Nadia Murad.

Prime Minister Barzani honoured Ms Nadia Murad for receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of her determination and dedication to bring justice to her Yezidi community. He offered his full support to her efforts to promote peace and recognition of ISIS’ atrocities as genocide.

Ms Nadia Murad spoke of the tragic story of her community and stressed the importance of restoring peace to devastated areas. She called upon the KRG to help rebuild ravaged areas, so Yezidis can return to their homes.

She thanked Prime Minister Barzani for his support and presented him a copy of her book, ‘The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity and My Fight against the Islamic State’.