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Families of martyrs will receive free health services

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Expanding the scope of health services in public hospitals and providing free healthcare to patients is one of the main points on the agenda of the Ninth Cabinet of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) aimed at further assisting citizens.

Patients visiting public health centers and hospitals will be provided with free healthcare services going forward, while receiving 50% discounts at private hospitals.

“The decision was approved by the Council of Ministers and a joint agreement was signed between the Minister of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs and the Minister of Health. According to the agreement, families of martyrs will receive 100% discount at public health centers and hospitals for all health services,” the Spokesperson and Director of Media and Communications of the Ministry of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs, Adel Salih told the Department of Media and Information.

The services include treatment, examinations, and surgery, according to Salih.

“The decision covers political prisoners and victims of chemical weapons and all their health services will be provided free of charge,” Salih said.

Families of martyrs previously did not receive discounts at private hospitals but were given 30% off at public hospitals. Now all health services in public hospitals are free and private hospitals will have a discount of 50% for families of martyrs.