KRG reiterates commitment to Regional Plan of Human Rights

In a meeting with foreign diplomats and council generals, the Kurdistan Region Government’s officials have discussed the Regional Plan of Human Rights reiterating their commitments to implement the plan.
Head of the KRG’s Department of Foreign Relations, Minister. Safeen Dizayee, Dr. Jutiar Adel KRG’s spokesperson and the head of Media and Information Office, and Dr. Dindar Zebari, KRG Coordinator for International Advocacy met on Monday with foreign diplomats and officials from the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).
Minister Dizayee highlighted KRG’s respect for human rights and said it has been one of the main progressive works by the ninth cabinet.
In this meeting, Dr. Zebari explained KRG’s aims from the Regional Plan of Human Rights and showed the government’s strategy to achieve these goals in the Kurdistan Region. Several reports on the international community's and the government’s focus on this matter were presented in the meeting.
The KRG Coordinator for International Advocacy, Dr. Zebari held a press conference at the end of the meeting stating that: “Plan of Human Rights is a universal plan based on international standards; To implement the plan we are working with international partners; The Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region [Mr. Masrour Barzani] is the main advocate of this plan and he has been encouraging the implementation of it by supervising and facilitating the cooperation among different state organizations on this issue. The KRG’s ninth cabinet has been trying seriously to match the international human rights standards.”
Regional Plan of Human Rights is a long-term domestic and international cooperative plan by the KRG’s ninth cabinet to improve and implement human rights in the Kurdistan Region.
Department of Media and Information
February 6, 2023