KRG Spokesman: There are no major obstacles to sending the 400 billion to the Kurdistan Region

Erbil, Kurdistan Region (GOV.KRD)- On Wednesday, December 11, 2023, after the visit of the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government to Baghdad, Dr. Jutyar Adel, the official spokesman of the Kurdistan Region Government, answered several questions He explained the reasons and results of the visit.
How do you assess the discussions of the Prime Minister's visit and what was discussed?
Dr. Jutyar Adel: The rights and obligations of both sides and the issues were discussed. The outcome of the visit was better than the previous meetings, which is due to the effords of Prime Minister who was closely aware of these discussions. The effords of Prime Minister of Iraq, was a plus to point both sides needs on the agreement.
What is the state of drafting of the budget?
Dr. Jutyar Adel: This is the first time the Kurdistan Region Government has participated in writing this project. After approval, it will go to the Iraqi Council of Ministers, then to the Iraqi House of Representatives.
Iraqi oil and gas law discussed?
Dr. Jutyar Adel: There is a direct relationship between the budget law and the Iraqi oil and gas law, which was discussed. As we know, the agreement between the parties has become part of the agenda of the Sudani’s government. The oil and gas law should be enacted within six months, in coordination with the Kurdistan government. A letter from the Iraqi government stressed that decisions related to the interests of both sides, must be agreed upon by both sides, we hope to become law within time.
What decision was made on sending the salaries of employees?
Dr. Jutyar Adel: The Iraqi Council of Ministers met on Tuesday and reaffirmed the issue of sending the 400 billion as the Kurdistan Region Government right; I believe that there are no major obstacles in front of this issue and the amount of money will be sent to the Kurdistan Region Government in the nearest future.