Recycling Project in Erbil Generates 2,000 Tons of Asphalt Daily
A factory in Erbil is recycling road materials, specifically asphalt, to reuse them for road maintenance and construction. This project, run by public sector employees, stands as one of the most modern asphalt recycling facilities, with a daily production capacity of 2,000 tons.
In an interview with the Department of Media and Information, Emad Mohammad Amin, the Director of Road Maintenance in Erbil highlighted that "the project involves pulverising asphalt by grinding down the existing road surfaces, allowing us to reuse it for new road construction. It is environmentally friendly, emitting no dust, smoke, or CO2 gas." He added that "this initiative is pioneering in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq; it has the capability to produce 2,000 tons of tar daily. In its initial phase, we will use the recycled asphalt in the construction of the Erbil-Qoshtapa road."
Henceforth, asphalt and other existing road materials will be milled and transported to the Erbil factory for recycling, contributing to both environmental preservation and reduced asphalt production costs.
Rawezh Rasoul, an engineer at the factory, emphasised that "this project is not only eco-friendly but also cost-effective, consuming less fuel. Additionally, it boasts a remarkable hourly production capacity of 200 tons of tar."
The ninth cabinet of the Kurdistan Regional Government is firmly dedicated to further developing the industrial sector, establishing modern factories that are both productive and environmentally responsible, thus safeguarding the region's environment and wealth.
Department of Media and Information