This agenda has been developed in accordance with the political agreements between all parties which compose the new cabinet of the KRG. And it includes the principles and policies of all parties in the government. The implementation of this program is the responsibility of all parties in the government.
- First: we will improve the condition and regulation of the public sector, including the training and regulation of civil servants, retirement provisions, and official working hours. We will take legal action against any breaches in the public sector. We will do this through implementation of the law, establishing a service committee and re-organising the reform legislation, which will then be resubmitted to parliament for approval.
- Second: we will combine our efforts against all forms of financial and administrative corruption, preventing the mismanagement of public wealth, and corruption within the Kurdistan region. We will achieve this by strictly enforcing the law of the Kurdistan region while supporting its official institutions, primarily through the Supreme Audit Divan and the Commission of Integrity and Public Prosecution.
- Third: we will work to eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy and improve the services provided to citizens by public institutions. We will work to make institutions serve the public’s best interests; in particular we will develop digital services as soon as possible.
- Fourth: in order to strengthen our defence capability, counter risks and enhance the security of the Kurdistan Region, we will review the current mechanisms for re-organising and unifying the Peshmerga forces and internal security forces, in coordination with the Kurdistan region presidency. We will do this with the help of local and international experts. We will also elevate the professional and military capability of our forces.
- Fifth: we will work to establish transparency in all economic fields of the Kurdistan region, especially around management and accounting of oil and internal revenues.
- Sixth: we will reform the health, medical and food sectors to meet international standards; we will prosecute any violations from any quarter. To accomplish this goal, we will establish a Food and Drug Administration under the Council of Ministers.
- Seventh: we are determined to ensure that no one is above the law, and to respect the judiciary of the Kurdistan region. No one will be allowed to evade justice because of their social standing or political affiliation; furthermore, we will work to eliminate the spread of weapons and firearms among communities.
- Eighth: we will reform the tax system ensuring impartial implementation; we will take legal action to prevent tax embezzlement and create a new enforcement mechanism.
- Ninth: we will prevent government officials from exploiting their official influence or positions for their own gain. In accordance with the laws of the Kurdistan region, officials are not permitted to trade or invest, and violations of this law will be prosecuted.
- Tenth: we will prevent the formation of monopolies, and work to provide and promote a framework for fair trade competition.
- Eleventh: we will organise and rationalise official delegations to foreign countries and international conferences according to need, preventing any waste or misuse of public money.
- Twelfth: we will support the parliament’s monitoring function; we will abide by every monitoring procedure in accordance with our internal laws and governmental regulations. Furthermore we will respect the parliamentary opposition in accordance with these same laws.
- Thirteenth: we will establish a Pension Fund to provide for retired civil servants as is their right.
- First: we will work to enhance the public health sector, and to deliver a better-quality health service to the people. In addition, we will work to enact a health insurance system across the Kurdistan region.
- Second: we will work to find a fundamental solution to the issue of electricity supply: increasing production rates, decreasing electrical misuse or waste, and systematically distributing power in a technologically advanced manner.
- Third: we will work to increase educational teaching standards in the public sector. We will aim to attract local and international investors into the sector, helping to fund the building of new schools where they are needed.
- Fourth: we will work improve and rationalise the use of groundwater in order to raise the quality of public drinking water, while reducing the depletion rates of underground water sources.
- Fifth: we will work to improve road transportation links in the Kurdistan region, and enhance the traffic system. We will aim to attract foreign investors to this sector, reduce traffic accident casualties and introduce international traffic management best practices.
- Sixth: we will work to provide job opportunities in the private sector, and broaden investment in sectors including industry, agriculture, and tourism. We will reform labor laws to prioritise the provision of job opportunities for local workers instead of foreigners.
- Seventh: we will prioritise serving the families of Anfal, Peshmerga martyrs and those who were wounded in genocidal campaigns.
- Eighth: we will take measures to provide a comfortable and decent life for people with special needs.
- Ninth: Kurdistan’s natural environment is a great treasure. We will work to preserve the environment and raise cultural awareness about its importance. Furthermore, we will work to establish an advanced recycling system to reduce the risks of waste contamination.
- Tenth: we will take measures to renovate villages, sub-districts, and districts, including measures to provide essential services, encouraging villagers to stay and work their land.
- Eleventh: we will encourage and foster the expansion of the work of civil communal organisations, helping to support events, sports, arts, and cultural activities in the Kurdistan region.
- Twelfth: we will enhance higher education and scientific research by developing this sector. We will enhance the capacity of the universities and institutes of the Kurdistan region in terms of quality, and help expand scientific research and study opportunities.
- Thirteenth: we will introduce digitisation of government systems (E-Government); transforming citizens' interaction with government procedures and services. This will cut bureaucracy, reduce wastage of public wealth and time, and increase the overall quality of services.
The relationship between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi Federal Government:
- First: the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is the only official body authorised to negotiate with Baghdad. We will establish a Negotiation Team of relevant stakeholders from the KRG to resolve issues with Baghdad.
- Second: the constitution will be the fundamental basis for talks between Erbil and Baghdad, especially issues covered by article 140 of the Iraqi constitution. This includes Peshmerga, natural resources, compensation for Anfal, martyrs, people affected by the previous Ba’ath regime and all the constitutional rights of the people of the Kurdistan region. These issues will all be prioritised in our talks with the federal government of Baghdad.
- Third: we will address the dire condition of the Kurdish territories outside the administration of the Kurdistan region, especially Kirkuk, in order to reduce tensions, and ensure the end to any form of military imposition in the disputed territories. We will also seek to implement article 140 of the Iraqi constitution as soon as possible.
- Fourth: the threat of terrorism still exists across Iraq. The KRG, in coordination with the Iraqi government and the international coalition, is committed in our opposition to terrorism. To eliminate the danger of terrorism once and for all, the Kurdistan region with its Peshmerga forces has offered to assist the Iraqi federal army in its efforts to remove any threats in the disputed territories.
- Fifth: we will work to implement the constitutional rights of Peshmerga forces and include them in Iraq’s defence policy. In particular, we will work to ensure they are provided with a monthly salary and military equipment.
- Sixth: we will attempt to solve issues around oil and gas in accordance with articles 111 and 112 in the Iraqi federal constitution. We will develop an oil and gas law through the Iraqi parliament.
- Seventh: we will work to consolidate the federal system, by creating a Federal Council, emphasising the principles of partnership, consensus and balance with the federal government.
Freedom, Democracy, and Coexistence:
- First: we aim to emphasise the peaceful coexistence between various ethnicities in the Kurdistan region, build upon it and strengthen it.
- Second: we underline our commitment to the fundamentals of democracy, liberty, and equality for the peoples of the Kurdistan region. We will defend their rights against any type of ethnic, sectarian or religious extremism, and gender-based violence.
- Third: we will stand against any forms of discrimination and attempts to minimise the role of women in society. It is vital that women are permitted to make a full contribution to the community, the economy, and within the political arena.
Kurdistan’s relations at the regional and international level:
- First: the official institutions of the KRG should manage regional and international relations. For this purpose, the Department of Foreign Relations will be re-organised and governed by a new law.
- Second: we will prioritise a stable relationship with our neighbouring countries, based on mutual respect and mutual interest, improving relations at all levels.
- Third: we support peaceful solutions for all issues in the region. We will work to improve and strengthen the KRG’s capacity to resolve disputes and conflicts.
- Fourth: the KRG will strengthen current representation offices, and open new representations as needed in different countries. We will also encourage other countries to open their consulates in Erbil.
Economy and Finance:
- First: we will work to diversify Kurdistan’s economy, reducing our reliance on oil and gas. We will develop the agricultural, industrial, and tourism sectors to attract foreign investment.
- Second: the agricultural sector will be one of our main priorities, as we will introduce new methods, advanced machinery, and expand knowledge of scientific methods in order to improve quality across the sector. Furthermore, we will work to exploit our water resources, building dams and sources of sustainable energy. This will help preserve our water for agriculture, prevent desertification and increase green spaces.
- Third: we will work to restructure the banking system in the Kurdistan region, and ensure that the system serves both individuals and the public. We will encourage the use of bank accounts and electronic cards both to exchange currencies and reduce cash transactions.
- Fourth: we will encourage investment in all fields, by providing fair opportunities for both national and international investors; to achieve this, we will edit and modify the KRG's investment laws.
Regulation of the administration:
- First: we will work on distributing roles and responsibilities in accordance with the law and under the supervision of the premiership. Furthermore, we will emphasise establishing a decentralised system of power compatible with the legal and administrative system in the KRG.
- Second: we will put relentless efforts into re-organising and trimming the structure of the government’s institutions from the bottom up, so they are appropriate for the Kurdistan region. This will be achieved through a solid plan and the preparation of a clear roadmap for the next four years.