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Statement from Deputy Prime Minister Talabani on the death of Dr. Firsat Sofi, Governor of Erbil

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani today issued the following statement expressing his deepest condolences on the passing of Dr. Firsat Sofi, Governor of Erbil.

“I am deeply saddened by the death of Dr. Firsat Sofi, a dedicated public servant, faithful patriot, and a friend.

“Dr. Firsat played a great role in bridging across political divides and maintaining unity among parties in the Kurdistan Region. He played an important role in facilitating recent agreements between the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) to protect the peace and provide stability to the people.

“Dr. Firsat was a brave truth-teller, who stood for unity as a KDP Leadership Member and as Governor of Erbil. His death is a great loss for the people of Kurdistan. During this difficult time, I extend my most sincere condolences to his family. May he rest in peace.”