Alan Hama Saeed Salih
Minister of Education
Year of Birth: 1981
Marital Status: Married, 3 children
Place of residence: Sulaymaniyah
Qualifications and education:
- PhD student in Politics, Sulaymaniyah University (writing stage)
- Master’s Degree in Politics
- Bachelor’s Degree in Politics, Salahaddin University - Erbil
Work Experience and Responsibilities:
- Head of the Academic Central Committee of the KDP’s 4TH
- Member of the Sulaimaniyah - Halabja KDP Leadership Council and Head of Organize (Rekkhesten) Office.
- Head of the KDP’s 21st Branch (Current).
- Decision Maker and Lecturer at the College of International Relations and Diplomacy, Lebanese French University, in 2014.
- Lecturer at the College of Law, Halabja University (Current).
- Kurdish (native).
- Arabic (advanced).