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Prime Minister Masrour Barzani meets with Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD)- Prime Minister Masrour Barzani met today, Prime Minister of the Iraqi Federal Government Mustafa Al-Kadhimi in Baghdad. During the meeting, they discussed all national affairs and issues that concern the lives of Iraqi citizens and the provision of services and ways to continue joint work between Baghdad and Erbil in a way that achieves ...

PM Masrour Barzani meets Speaker of Iraqi Parliament

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Saturday met with Mohammed al-Halbousi, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives of Iraq. In the meeting, both sides discussed the latest developments in Iraq and the wider region, as well as relations between Erbil and Baghdad. Both sides emphasized the importance of resolving outstanding issues ...

PM Masrour Barzani meets President of Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Saturday met with the President of the Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zidan. In the meeting, both sides discussed the importance of resolving outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad in accordance with the Constitution. Prime Minister Barzani stressed that the Kurdistan Region should be view ...

PM Masrour Barzani heads to Baghdad

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Saturday travelled to Baghdad, leading a Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) delegation. During his visit, Prime Minister Barzani will meet with his Iraqi counterpart Mustafa al-Kadhimi and a number of other Iraqi officials. The purpose of the visit is to discuss outstanding issues between Erbil and B ...

PM Masrour Barzani meets Kuwaiti Consul General in Erbil

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Thursday met with the Consul General of Kuwait in Erbil, Dr. Omar Al-Kanderi. Prime Minister Barzani offered his thanks to the Kuwaiti Consul General for his efforts in developing bilateral relations between the Kurdistan Region and Kuwait, and wished him success in his future endeavors. In response, ...

Statement from the Council of Ministers on today’s attack in Zakho

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - We strongly condemn the shelling of the Parakhe resort near the Darkar border of the Zakho Autonomous Administration by Turkish forces which, unfortunately, caused the death and injury of a number of tourists. We extend our condolences to the families of the martyrs and wish the wounded a speedy recovery. The Kurdistan Region has been ...