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Prime Minister Masrour Barzani receives the former President of Iraq Fuad Masum

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today met with the former President of Iraq, Fuad Masum.

Former President Masum congratulated Prime Minister Barzani on his new role heading the Kurdistan Regional Government and highlighted the important stability they provide to a complex region.

Prime Minister Barzani updated Mr. Masum on the Kurdistan Regional Government’s engagement with the federal government of Iraq and efforts to solidify a relationship based on mutual understanding and respect.

Mr. Masum expressed his support for the constructive dialogue between Erbil and Baghdad and the work of the Kurdistan Regional Government to build a stable partnership based on the Kurdistan Region’s rights under the constitution.

Both officials recognized that enhanced cooperation between the two governments is key to effectively combatting the so-called Islamic State’s presence in the country and protecting the interests of all Iraq’s people.