Prime Minister Masrour Barzani tours strategic Erbil-Duhok highway project

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Monday surveyed construction progress of a strategic highway linking Erbil with Duhok province.
The highway, built on international standards and practices, is designed to facilitate greater domestic travel and trade between the Kurdistan Region and Turkey.
Prime Minister Barzani thanked the local companies for their support to the infrastructure projects. He reiterated the KRG’s commitment to building better and improved infrastructure.
The KRG has allocated $157 million to the project expected to complete by end of this year.
During the visit today, Prime Minister Barzani also toured the 150-meter ring road in Erbil. The first section, with a budget of $131 million, is at the final phase of construction.
The Prime Minister was accompanied by Minister of Housing and Reconstruction, Dana Abdulkareem Hamasalih.