Prime Minister Masrour Barzani discusses regional developments with US Ambassador to Iraq

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today received the US Ambassador to Iraq, Matthew H. Tueller, to discuss the latest developments in Iraq and the Middle East.
They discussed the need for a strong partnership between the federal government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government. Prime Minister Barzani informed the Ambassador that the KRG will continue to engage constructively with the new government in Baghdad in order to have a mutually respectful relationship.
Prime Minister Barzani spoke of the need for stability in Iraq. He asserted that the needs of all ethnic and religious groups must be prioritised so government reforms can succeed.
Prime Minister Barzani and the Ambassador also discussed the growing security threat posed by ISIS. Prime Minister Barzani stressed the importance of the Global Coalition's support, and the need for continued cooperation between Peshmerga and Iraqi security forces.