Prime Minister Barzani's message on International Labour Day

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Friday extended warm wishes to workers in the Kurdistan Region and across the world in a message on the occasion of International Labour Day.
Below is the text of his message:
On the occasion of International Labour Day, I extend my warm wishes to workers in Kurdistan and across the world. I commend the tireless efforts of workers in Kurdistan; they have always endured challenging economic conditions, yet continue to serve their nation.
I also extend my appreciation to them for their commitment to health guidelines designed to protect the public from the coronavirus pandemic. I hope life returns to normal in a near future.
At this time, I reiterate our support for the workers’ endeavours and their rights. We are committed to bring about social justice and improve their living conditions.
Masrour Barzani
Prime Minister