Prime Minister Masrour Barzani shares message of hope on Yazidis' Jamaya Feast
Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani in a statement on Wednesday extended warm wishes to the Yazidi community on the occasion of the Jamaya Feast, which is celebrated every year in October.
Joining in the celebration of the Kurdistan Region’s pluralistic and diverse fabric, the Prime Minister shared the following message:
"I invite all of the Kurdistan Region to join me in warmly congratulating our Yazidi brothers and sisters here and around the world, and especially the Yazidi Mir and Spiritual Council, on the occasion of the Jamaya Feast. I hope this event brings with it the spirit of happiness and hope for a brighter future, and marks an end to all your hardship and suffering.
"This year, we celebrate the Jamaya Feast with a heavy heart as we continue to mourn the recent passing of the Yazidi Spiritual Leader, Baba Sheikh, and as the world reels from the effects of a global pandemic. I hope this occasion offers a reprieve during these times of crisis.
"On the observance of this special day, I reaffirm the Kurdistan Regional Government’s commitment to the delivery of greater public services to our Yazidi brothers and sisters and the protection of all peoples. I also urge for the normalisation of the security situation in Shingal to allow Yazidi refugees and IDPs to safely return to their ancestral homes with pride and dignity."