PM Masrour Barzani discusses regional issues with French President Emmanuel Macron

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Sunday held a joint meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani, and parliamentary speaker Rewaz Faiaq to discuss the situation in Iraq and bilateral relations with France.
The Prime Minister welcomed the President of France’s first visit to the Kurdistan Region as a testament to the longstanding and close relationship between the two nations, and expressed gratitude for France’s unwavering support throughout the years.
PM Barzani also thanked President Macron for reaffirming that France will not abandon its allies and remains committed to its partners in the region.
Prime Minister Barzani noted that beyond its support to the Kurdistan Region’s brave Peshmerga Forces in the fight against the Islamic State, France continues to play an important role in promoting stability in the region.
He highlighted the need for the international community, and France in particular, to continue working with KRG and the Federal Government of Iraq to resolve structural problems in the country and reduce tensions between Erbil and Baghdad, notably on the security situation in Shingal and the dignified return of IDPs to the area.