Prime Minister Masrour Barzani congratulates the Kurdish Nation for Newroz celebrations

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani issued the statement below marking Newroz:
As we celebrate Newroz and the Kurdish New Year, I extend my congratulations to all Kurdistanis, especially the Peshmerga and security forces, and the family of our Martyrs. I wish the people of Kurdistan a year full of joy and happiness.
To our people, Newroz represents freedom, renewal, and triumph. On this Newroz, may our nation be free to enjoy all of its rights, and may it find the strength to face the obstacles and challenges ahead.
We recognise the people of Kurdistan's patience and efforts this past year and thank them for their cooperation in helping the Kurdistan Regional Government in their efforts to overcome the crises. We hope that this year, the Federal Government will fully implement the constitution and stabilise Iraq's political, economic, and security situation.
I ask citizens to continue following official guidelines and restrictions, particularly as we celebrate Newroz, working together to fight the spread of the virus and keep everyone safe during celebrations.
Happy Newroz, and may Kurdistan continue to develop and prosper.
Masrour Barzani
Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region