Prime Minister Masrour Barzani statement regarding the federal budget law

Today, with the support of the majority of Kurdistani political factions, the federal parliament passed the budget law. This is a milestone moment for the KRG, from which we can start to recover from an era of unparalleled economic challenges.
I thank the KRG negotiating team for their persistence through many months of hard work. I also thank Kurdish blocs in the federal parliament for their efforts.
This law was an accommodation, and a necessary one for Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. We did not get everything we wanted, but the law is consistent with key principles of the constitution from which we have not wavered. Positions dear to both sides have been recognized and we are encouraged and heartened by the progress made.
I hope to see every article of the budget law implemented and federal payments finally restored to the KRG. Its full implementation would provide both governments with recourse against the disputes over payments since 2004. And it would also foster a new mechanism between the federal and regional auditing bodies. These steps will underpin restored cooperation and trust, essential tenets of all we will go on to achieve.
I have spoken with Prime Minister Mustafa Kadhimi today to thank him for his support and I have urged him to live up to these obligations and restore payments as soon as possible. I have also reminded him that this country, and the Iraqi people, can do better by working by, with and through Kurdistan.
I have also spoken with Deputy Prime Minister Kak Qubad Talabani to commend him and the team for their important work.
Today, the budget law has restored a sliver of hope about the relationship with the federal government. Though it cannot address the long list of disputes, or undo the unfairness of the past, I hope it will help bring more certainty to the lives of our citizens.
Masrour Barzani