Prime Minister: KRG to build new dams across the region

On Thursday, June 24, 2023, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) attended the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Bastora Dam in Erbil governorate. During his speech, PM Barzani emphasised the project's significance and highlighted the importance of water for various aspects of development, including industry, energy supply, agriculture, human well-being, and environment.
The Prime Minister's presence and remarks demonstrated the government's unwavering commitment to the project and its positive impact on Bastora and the surrounding area. Here is a summary of PM Barzani's speech:
"The primary advantage of the dam lies in its ability to store water for drinking, agriculture, tourism, and investment in fishponds, which will greatly benefit the people of the region. As part of the KRG's strategy, we aim to construct dams to ensure food security.
“The government has decided to build as many dams as possible throughout the region. We are pleased to note that some of these projects have already been built, while others are currently being designed and constructed. Once these dams are completed, they will play a crucial role in advancing the agricultural sector and serve as a source of energy. Their construction will significantly impact the region's development and economic stability.
“Water is a vital and valuable economic resource, and it is our collective responsibility to avoid its wastage. Dams such as Dukan and Darbandikhan in the Kurdistan Region have not only benefited our region but also the entire country of Iraq. Therefore, we hope that the federal government of Iraq will support the KRG in the repair and maintenance of these dams and extend their assistance for the ongoing dam construction projects.
“I commend the company involved in the Bastora Dam project, and I hope that it will be completed on time, adhering to the specified high-quality standards. Lastly, the KRG is committed to supporting similar projects across all parts of the Kurdistan Region."