KRG Prime Minister Aims to Enhance JICA Cooperation

On November 28, 2023, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) led the inauguration of the Alumni Association of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The event also served as a platform to spotlight JICA's impactful work, activities, and projects in the Kurdistan Region.
The ceremony, attended by Mr. Futoshi Matsumoto, the Japanese Ambassador and Mr. Gen Yoneda, Iraq’s Chief of JICA.
Prime Minister Barzani, in his address, expressed heartfelt gratitude for JICA's unwavering support over the years and his strong commitment to expanding cooperation between JICA and the KRG.
Here follows an excerpt from Prime Minister Barzani's speech:
“Today, I stand here with the Ambassador of Japan, the Chief of JICA in Iraq, and JICA representatives in the Kurdistan Region to discuss the depth and importance of our partnership. JICA has been a pivotal force in supporting the KRG across a wide range of projects, contributing significantly to our region's development and progress.
“The Japanese people have an invaluable wealth of experience, which we can leverage in the Kurdistan Region's journey towards prosperity. Like us, they have faced challenges and emerged stronger, becoming an inspiring global example of resilience and innovation.
“Our gratitude extends to Japan, and particularly to JICA, for their invaluable assistance. Their support has been instrumental in advancing critical projects related to water, sewage, electricity, and agriculture. Additionally, their contributions to human capacity development and training have been of immense benefit to the KRG.
“We look ahead with hope and optimism, aiming to deepen and broaden our partnership. Our goal is to attract more investment and encourage Japanese companies to participate in our comprehensive reform initiatives. Drawing inspiration from Japan's success in reconstruction, development, and innovation, we aim to tap into their rich experience and bring about positive change in our region.
“We are committed to fostering an environment that not only benefits from Japan's wealth of knowledge but also encourages the nurturing of innovative ideas among our youth. Loyalty, time management, patriotism, and the preservation of our unique identity will continue to be the guiding principles in our journey.
“In closing, I extend my hopes for an expanded partnership between JICA and the Kurdistan Region. May our collaboration bring happiness and success to our people as we work together for a brighter future.”