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KRG Prime Minister Meets British Ambassador

On Wednesday, 5 June 2024, Masrour Barzani, Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), met with Steven Hitchen, the British Ambassador to Iraq. The meeting was also attended by James Goldman, British Consul General in the Kurdistan Region.

The discussions centred on resolving ongoing issues between the Kurdistan Region and the federal government, emphasising the recent visit by Prime Minister Barzani to Baghdad. This visit was pivotal in resolving the disputes fundamentally, particularly regarding the financial rights and entitlements of the Kurdistan Region as per the Iraqi constitution, bilateral agreements, and the agendas of the federal government.

Additionally, the Development Road project, a corridor intended to link the Gulf States to Türkiye and Europe via Iraq’s railway network, was discussed. Both parties agreed on the importance of the project passing through the Kurdistan Region to ensure that all regions of Iraq benefit from it.

Finally, the Prime Minister and the British Ambassador discussed the upcoming parliamentary elections in the Kurdistan Region, highlighting the necessity of holding the elections on schedule. They stressed the importance of removing any obstacles to the elections, ensuring the participation of all political groups, and safeguarding the rights of all ethnic and religious communities in the region.