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KRG Prime Minister Welcomes New Turkish Consul General

On Monday, 10 June 2024, Masrour Barzani, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), welcomed Erman Topçu, the newly appointed Consul General of Türkiye in the Kurdistan Region.

Prime Minister Barzani congratulated Mr. Topçu on his new role and emphasized the importance of bilateral relations between the Kurdistan Region and Turkey, highlighting their shared interests.

In addition, the Prime Minister underscored the significance of the Development Road project, which aims to connect Iraq, Türkiye, and Europe via railway. He stressed the necessity of the Kurdistan Region’s participation in this strategic endeavour.

Consul General Topçu expressed his pleasure in taking up the post in the Kurdistan Region and reiterated Türkiye's commitment to strengthening relations across all sectors.

The two sides also discussed the resolution of ongoing issues between the Kurdistan Region and the federal government, including efforts to facilitate the resumption of oil exports from the Kurdistan Region.