Prime Minister Barzani receives update on intergovernmental affairs, progress in Baghdad

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani today chaired a cabinet meeting to discuss progress made in ongoing talks between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government of Iraq.
As part of concerted efforts by the new Kurdistan Regional Government to establish a stable and mutually beneficial relationship with the federal government of Iraq, Prime Minister Barzani reaffirmed the importance of supporting the delegation leading negotiations with Baghdad. He affirmed the government’s commitment to securing an agreement that protects the interests of the people through continued cooperation and a strong collaborative approach.
Ahead of the new round of talks scheduled for next week, the delegation updated ministers on progress achieved to date. They informed the cabinet that negotiations with the federal government of Iraq regarding the 2020 national budget, as well as a permanent power and revenue-sharing structure, were now at an advanced stage.
Prime Minister Barzani emphasised the role of the Kurdistan Region in maintaining and promoting peace and stability in the region, most recently highlighted by US Vice-President Mike Pence’s visit to Erbil.
The government also expressed support for Minister of Finance and Economy Awat Sheikh Janab’s report on how best to optimise government revenues and expenditure. He welcomed the ministry’s initiatives and reform efforts.
During the meeting, Prime Minister Barzani received an update on a study on private water consumption and waste across the Kurdistan Region. Minister of Municipalities and Tourism, Sasan Awni, presented the findings, which identified that water waste in the Kurdistan Region is costing the government nearly 340 million Iraqi dinars every day.
The Minister of Electricity, Kamal Mohammed Salih, updated the cabinet on efforts undertaken by his ministry to minimise interruptions in the delivery of energy as winter approaches. He added that seasonal heightened electricity usage puts increased pressure on the region’s power grids.
Prime Minister Barzani called on all people to unite in preserving this precious resource and reaffirmed the government’s commitment to supporting water and energy-saving projects. Cabinet members agreed to further discussions on these topics during the next meeting.