Prime Minister Barzani chairs meeting to discuss government priorities

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today chaired a meeting of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to discuss a range of key priorities.
The meeting approved an essential overhaul of the Kurdistan Region’s taxation system and agreed further actions regarding the KRG’s engagement with the federal government of Iraq.
The meeting discussed the formation of a special committee to oversee preparations for the Iraqi national census in 2020.
The KRG agreed to send a delegation to Baghdad next week to ensure the Kurdistan Region’s interests are represented in the 2020 Iraqi budget. The government will invite Iraq's finance, oil and gas, and legal parliamentary committees for further in-depth discussions.
A government delegation is due to update the Kurdistan Parliament on the progress of talks between the KRG and the Iraqi government on Thursday.