Council of Ministers convenes on financial situation and ongoing disputes with Baghdad

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Wednesday chaired a cabinet meeting via videoconference to discuss current financial situation and dialogue with Baghdad on outstanding problems.
In the meeting attended by Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, the Council recognised ongoing efforts by the government's high-level delegation to resolve ongoing disputes with the federal government on the basis of the Iraqi constitution.
While the delegation has accepted all federal conditions within the constitution, the Iraqi government has yet to send to the Kurdistan Region its share of the budget for more than three months.
This is while according to the constitution the Kurdistan Region, like any other part of Iraq, is entitled to receive its monthly share of the budget.
The Cabinet expressed serious concern over the federal government’s response to efforts aimed at resolving budget disputes, and called on Baghdad to honour its constitutional obligations.
The Council of Ministers also reiterated its commitment to resolve ongoing disputes within the framework of the Iraqi constitution, and tasked the delegation to continue dialogue to reach an agreement.
During the meeting, the Cabinet reaffirmed its commitment to fulfill its constitutional obligations in return for Kurdistan Region's financial entitlements. They also called on Iraqi President Barham Saleh, and ministers and representatives of the Kurdistan Region in the Iraqi parliament and government to protect Kurdistan Region's constitutional rights and financial entitlements.
The Council decided to pay salaries of government employees next week, using available funds, and tasked Ministers of Interior and Peshmerga Affairs to prevent irregularities at border crossing