Council of Ministers convenes on pension fund

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani chaired a cabinet meeting Saturday via videoconference to discuss plans for the public pensions fund.
In the meeting attended by Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, Minister of Finance and Economy Awat Janab Noori proposer the bylaws for the pensions fund. The Cabinet unanimously approved it.
This fund will protect entitlements of all public sector employees. According to the new bylaws, the revenues accumulated will be used exclusively to pay pensions. It box will be overseen a ministerial board.
Cabinet Secretary Amanj Raheem then presented new bylaws regulating appointments for senior government ranks, including director-generals. The Cabinet unanimously approved the bylaws centered on education, experience and competence.
Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Vala Fareed Ibrahim presented the new draft bill to sell and rent public properties. The Cabinet unanimously approved it.
During the meeting, the Cabinet also discussed proposals by the Ministries of Municipality and Tourism, and Agriculture designed to provide relief to farmers eligible for compensation. The proposals also allows squatters to register public land, apartments and houses owned by the government. The Ministries were tasked to work with Ministry of Justice to accelerate the applications.