Statement from KRG regarding the 34th Anniversary of the Anfal Genocide

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – Today marks the 34th anniversary of the Anfal Genocide campaign, executed by the Ba’athist regime in the Kurdistan Region with the intent of erasing the Kurdish identity and the will of the Kurdish people.
However, the Kurdish people persevered and survived the Ba’athist regime’s evil acts which failed to subjugate our brave people.
Today, thanks to the stewardship of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the wise policies of our Kurdish leadership, Iraq and the rest of the region now relies on the Kurds to maintain peace and security, as well as meet its energy needs.
Despite the efforts made by the Kurdistan Regional Government for recognition of the genocide of the Kurdish people, reparations and guarantees these crimes could never reoccur, the Iraq Government continues to fall short on its commitments to the Constitution and the promises to compensate the families of the victims and martyrs of the Anfal Campaign in the Kurdistan Region.
The Kurdistan Regional Government will continue to fight for the rights of the families of the victims and martyrs of the Anfal Genocide, as well as all the citizens of Kurdistan.
In the face of global crises and security challenges, the Kurdistan Regional Government has managed to support projects in Garmian designed to rebuild the region, provide job opportunities, and rehabilitate the agricultural sector that was devastated by the attacks. We will continue to deliver essential services and provide a better future for families who have already sacrificed so much for Kurdistan.