Council of Ministers deems Federal Supreme Court’s decision on Kurdish oil and gas “unconstitutional”

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Council of Ministers on Wednesday held its weekly meeting, led by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani to discuss the recent decision by Federal Supreme Court regarding KRG oil and gas sector.
Prime Minister Barzani briefed the Council on the KRG delegation's visit to Qatar and attendance of the Munich Security Conference in Germany.
The Prime Minister noted that the delegation had conveyed the Kurdistan Region’s stance on issues of concern and emphasized the Kurdistan Region's important role in ensuring regional stability.
Thereafter, the Council discussed the Federal Supreme Court’s February 15 decision on the Region’s oil and gas industry. After discussion, the Council deemed the decision unconstitutional and unjust, emphasizing that the Kurdistan Region will continue to defend its rights and constitutional authorities as stipulated in the 2005 Constitution.
The Council also reiterated the Kurdistan Region's desire to continue cooperation with the Federal government.
Finally, the Council approved the draft of the agriculture calendar which was presented by the Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources.