Council of Ministers discussed Kurdish migrants in Greece

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today chaired a cabinet meeting to discuss Kurdish migrants in Greece and efforts to eliminate human trafficking.
Prime Minister Barzani briefed the Council on his recent visit to the UAE last month, where he met with senior officials and discussed developing ties between Erbil and Abu Dhabi, as well as the political process in Iraq.
Thereafter, the Head of the Department of Foreign Relations addressed the situation of Kurdish migrants abroad and specifically the most recent tragedies late last year where three migrant boats sank on the way to Greece, with some individuals still missing.
The Head of the Department said that the KRG has increased its efforts and is in continuous contact with the Greek embassy in Iraq, the IOM, and the EU.
A delegation from the Department of Foreign Relations met previously with Greek officials, resulting in the repatriation of the bodies of nine of the deceased. A further delegation will visit Greece on Wednesday to deliver DNA samples from the victims’ families.
The Council praised the work of the Department and of the Ministries of Health and the Interior, and tasked the Department of Foreign Relations with continuing their efforts and the Interior Ministry with continuing investigations concerning those groups and companies which put people's lives at risk.
The Council also calls on Greece to continue the search for the bodies of the remaining victims.
In the third part of the meeting, the Minister of Health briefed the Council on the latest epidemiological developments. The Council praised the Ministry’s work in cooperating with the WHO and taking necessary steps to ensure widespread vaccination uptake.
Finally, the Minister of Finance and Economy briefed the Council on the latest developments in the joint work of Erbil and Baghdad’s auditing teams, before the Council’s Secretary explained the Kurdistan Region’s tasks as per the 2021 Iraqi budget law.
The Council emphasized the region’s compliance with the law and tasked Ministries with cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and Economy in these matters.