Statement on the Kasnazan power station project

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – The Ministry of Electricity’s Kasnazan power station project is currently underway, and is expected to be functional in a few months.
The project, which cost 10.4 million USD, consist of a 11/33/132 KV power station built by Best Company, which was contracted by the ministry to construct the power plant in Kasnazan city, in the Erbil governorate.
The first phase includes 10 132 KV feeders, 8 33 KV feeders, and 16 11 KV feeders. The stations will ease the heavy power production load on the cities of Kasnazan, Bnaslawa, as well as a few sections of the Erbil city centre. The high voltage power distribution project, which is being managed by Dilsoz Company, will cover the areas east of Erbil/Taqtaq all the way to the Kasnazan power station at the cost of 460 million IQD, and has been delivered ahead of schedule. The first phase of the project, which will transport 8 (11kv) feeders from the 132 KV Kasnazan plant, will cost 1.25 billion IQD. Dilsoz Company is expected to deliver this project within 60 days.