A statement by Peshmerga Ministry regarding the missile attack in Kifri town

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - The Ministry of Peshmerga released the following statement in response to the attack on Kifri:
“This Sunday evening, April 18, 2021 at 7:00 PM, two Katyusha missiles were fired at the city of Kifri, flying over both the headquarters of the 17th Infantry Brigade and the headquarters of the Brigade’s reserves, and landing 500 meters away from the Peshmerga headquarters.
“Fortunately, no one was injured and there were no material damages. Peshmerga forces in the area are on active duty to maintain peace and security, and these terrorist acts will not intimidate them.
“Following the attack, Peshmerga and security officers arrived on location and an investigation on the source of the attack has begun.
“The Kifri Police Chief has affirmed that the situation in the city of Kifri remains stable and assured that these cowardly terrorist acts will not disturb the peace in the area.”