Coalition Forces meet with Joint Coalition Coordination Center forces in Erbil

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – A military delegation from the Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve, the 83-member International Coalition to defeat ISIS, on February 17, 2021, visited the Joint Coalition Coordination Center (JCCC) in Erbil to meet with the Kurdistan Region and Iraq’s military and security forces.
The JCCC was established in 2015 to coordinate operations between the Peshmerga Security Forces and the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) in the fight against ISIS.
“The coordination center remains a great example of the Peshmerga Security Forces and Iraqi Security Forces working together with a common goal,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, the Coalition’s military spokesperson.”
“The Coalition has supported establishing coordination centers along the Kurdish Coordination Line (KCL) and commends the improving relationship and renewed willingness to coordinate on the part of both governments and their security forces.”
The Coalition, Iraqi Security Forces, and Peshmerga forces discussed ongoing efforts by these coordination centers along the KCL to fill the security gap in disputed areas. Col. Marotto added that these coordination centers prevent Daesh fighters to find sanctuary or have freedom of movement to generate insecurity and instability in the region.
The officials also highlighted the need to communicate more effectively to counter misinformation and propaganda produced by ISIS, which may include the establishment of a Joint Media Center with open lines of communication between Iraqi Security Forces, Peshmerga Forces, and the Coalition.
The spokesperson for the Iraqi Security Forces and the Peshmerga expressed support for these shared goals and emphasised the importance of combined and coordinated efforts in combatting the threat of terrorism.
During the meeting, Brig. Gen. Osman Mohammed Mustafa, Director of Media of the Ministry of Peshmerga, reaffirmed that the Peshmerga Forces value the privileged relationship it has with the Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition Forces, and expressed gratitude for how this relationship has strengthened over the past 5 years.