Statement by the Ministry of Peshmerga on the Mount Matin attack

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – Today, a Peshmerga convoy was unjustifiably targeted on Mount Matin, near the border of the Amedi town, and was attacked by the PKK with both light and heavy weaponry. The ambush martyred five brave Peshmerga soldiers and injured seven more.
The Ministry of Peshmerga strongly condemns this attack by the PKK and is warning that there is no tolerance for such acts in the Kurdistan Region. At present, the main objectives of the Peshmerga Forces are to ensure the security of the Kurdistan Region and eliminate ISIS terrorist threats.
The attack was unprovoked as the Peshmerga convoy was simply conducting a routine security check in the area. This is within the mandate and responsibilities of the Peshmerga Forces, who can take any necessary measures, anywhere in the Kurdistan Region, to preserve its peace and stability.
The Ministry of Peshmerga is demanding immediate action from the Iraqi Federal Government to put an end to ongoing Turkish military operations in the Kurdistan Region. We are also warning the PKK to respect the sovereignty of the Kurdistan Regional Government and its territory, and demand they take their fight somewhere else, away from Kurdish homes and the Kurdistan Region.
We extend our condolences to the families of the honourable Peshmerga martyrs and wish those injured in the attack a speedy recovery.