Minister Safeen Dizayee thanks Korea’s government and their Consulate in Erbil for providing medical assistance to the Kurdistan Region

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (DFR.GOV.KRD) – Head of the Department of Foreign Relations (DFR), Kurdistan Regional Govrnment (KRG) Minister Safeen Dizayee on Saturday conveyed special thanks to the South Korean government, their Consul General in Erbil, CHOI Kwangjin as well as all those who participated in the provision of medical assistance and supplies to support the KRG’s fight against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Minister Dizayee commended Korea’s Consulate in the Kurdistan Region for their continued support and partnership with the government and people of Kurdistan, said “the Kurdistan Region and Korea connected with strong bilateral ties and friendship, we hope that our excellent relations will continue to grow at all levels.”
At the Ceremony, which was held on 12th August at Erbil International Airport, in the presence of the KRG’s Minister of Health Dr. Saman Barznji, staff of the DFR and the Korean Consulate in Erbil, the Consul General Kwangjin handed over Korea’s assistance to the KRG, which included 400,000 USD worth COVID-19 testing kits.