Ministry of Peshmerga and DMI officially launch Peshmerga Media Cell

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – The KRG Spokesperson and the Head of Department of Media and Information, Dr. Jotiar Adil, on Tuesday delivered a speech to announce the formation of the Peshmerga Media Cell in coordination with the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs.
“We thank the Ministry of Peshmerga for their continuous efforts in delivering professional media support across units and departments and we note their success in leading reforms, of which the Kurdistan Regional Government wants to see more.
“We also extend our gratitude to the Coalition Forces, especially the German Forces, who have continuously provided their support to the Peshmerga forces during this process.
“The KRG remains committed to provide information for the public and media outlets in full transparency. However, we also stress that media agencies have a responsibility to report accurate and verifiable information.
“For this reason, we maintain open lines of communications with media agencies to ensure matters of national security are accurately conveyed to the general public.
“This, in addition to our reform agenda, was the driving force behind the decision to form the Peshmerga Media Cell for the Ministry of Peshmerga. We will also be forming a similar cell with the Ministry of Interior in the near future.
“The newly-formed Peshmerga Media Cell will achieve three objectives:
1. It will help protect the safety and lives of our Peshmerga soldiers on the front lines as some news coverage can unintentionally leak classified information to our enemies;
2. It will help protect the lives of journalists as they cover the news from the frontlines;
3. It will help deliver accurate and transparent information to the public, to both local and international media outlets.
“The Kurdistan Regional government welcomes this initiative by the Ministry of Peshmerga and will continue to support this project to facilitate its success.”