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Prime Minister Barzani chairs cabinet meeting to discuss the economic implications for Kurdistan of the coronavirus outbreak

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today chaired a meeting, attended by Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani and cabinet ministers, to discuss the economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the Kurdistan Region.

Acknowledging the ongoing efforts of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s high-level committee to combat coronavirus in the region, Prime Minister Barzani underlined the need to consider citizens' interests when ordering precautionary measures.

The Prime Minister called on all peoples and parties in the Kurdistan Region to abide by the instructions issued by the government to keep the public safe. He added that the implications of coronavirus are not limited to public health, but also affect the economy of the Kurdistan Region, Iraq and the wider world.

Prime Minister Barzani stressed that his government remains committed to modernising and diversifying the Kurdistan Region's economy. The cabinet agreed to reduce unnecessary government expenditures as part of the ongoing reform process.

The cabinet also acknowledged that implementation of the KRG’s modernisation agenda is dependent on the political, economic and security situation in Iraq and the region. They agreed to continue the ongoing constructive dialogue with the federal government of Iraq, particularly to minimise any economic effects caused by the recent fall in oil prices.