Prime Minister Masrour Barzani chairs special meeting on coronavirus, issues additional measures

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) – Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today chaired a meeting, attended by Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani and government ministers, to discuss additional measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the Kurdistan Region.
During the meeting, Prime Minister Barzani highlighted the latest efforts by the KRG to limit the spread of the coronavirus, and the measures taken by local authorities in this regard. He stressed that the KRG will take every precaution to protect its citizens from security or health threats.
As part of the new measures to address risks of the coronavirus spreading, the KRG decided to halt all religious ceremonies, rituals and activities - including Friday sermons - in mosques, churches and temples throughout the Kurdistan Region until further notice.
The KRG will also take any necessary steps to limit people’s movements within the Kurdistan Region and at border posts, without affecting trade. Prime Minister Barzani asked relevant ministers to decrease tax and rent rates on business centers and shops that have been affected by measures taken to combat the coronavirus.
Prime Minister Barzani emphasised the need to continue providing hospitals, quarantine centers and border posts with all necessary support. He also asked local authorities to take precautions in refugee and IDP camps to prevent the spread of the virus, while coordinating their activities with the relevant international organizations.
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