Today, June 17, minister of agriculture and water resources Begard Talabani received Werner Krauss, and a delegation of investors from Germay-based AMIRA company.

KRG invests in major wheat industry project
As part of its efforts to transform the Kurdistan Region into a competitive producer, the Kurdistan Regional Government has invested in strategic projects to strengthen and expand the region’s agricultural sector and food industry. One of these landmark projects is the Wheat Marketing Project, which Prime Minister Masrour Barzani launched on Nov. 1, 2020 as the first step toward a self-sufficient and sustainable economy.

Statement on the marketing of local wheat products
The Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources is investing in the marketing of local wheat farmers’ products as one of its most expansive strategic projects, which will help sell 500,000 tons of locally-produced wheat every year. The project will make use of three large factories in Erbil, Slemani, and Duhok, which mainly produce flour. Another factory will be established for the production of a variety of wheat-based products.