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Head of OCIA chaired a meeting on access information right

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (GOV.KRD) - The KRG Coordinator for International Advocacy, Dr. Dindar Zebari on Wednesday chaired a meeting on how to implement the Access to Information Law. The meeting was attended by Ms. Danielle Bell, Head of the Human Rights Office of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), representatives of ministries and judicial authorities.
The meeting focused on the steps taken by the Kurdistan Regional Government(KRG) to comply with the principles of human rights. For this purpose, the government has developed a comprehensive plan for the next four years that includes all international recommendations that are directed to the Kurdistan Region.
It was stressed that one of the most important issues is the right to access information. In this regard, the KRG issued the Access to Information Law No. (11) of 2013 to enable citizens to exercise the right to access information. 
It was noted that the above-mentioned law was prepared according to international standards. Only guidelines and instructions are required for a full and swift implementation. For this purpose, the parties participating in the meeting submitted proposals for the implementation of the law and the challenges facing its implementation.

May 25, 2022