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Russian Foreign Minister Sends Congratulatory Message to PM Barzani

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today received the Russian Ambassador to Iraq, Maksim Maksimov, who delivered a congratulatory message on behalf of Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov.

PM Barzani receives UK delegation

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani today received a high-level UK government delegation led by Defence Senior Adviser on the Middle East, Lieutenant General Sir John Lorimer.

Prime Minister Barzani Receives U.S. Delegation

The U.S. delegation congratulated PM Barzani on the formation of the new cabinet of the Kurdistan Region, for which Ambassador Tueller expressed his full support.

PM Barzani Holds Phone Conversation with Turkish Foreign Minister About Erbil Shooting

They condemned the shooting incident in Erbil, and conveyed condolences to the families of the victims.

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani receives Turkish Ambassador to Iraq

During the meeting, Ambassador Yildiz conveyed his government’s congratulations to the Prime Minister on his appointment. He expressed hope that the new government leads to a positive new chapter for the peoples of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq and strengthens bilateral relations between Turkey and the Kurdistan Region and Iraq as a whole.

PM Speech to Kurdistan Parliament on new KRG cabinet

I’m very pleased that my colleagues and I were swore in today, after winning the trust and confidence of this parliament.

Thanks to the sacrifices of our people and the bravery of our Peshmerga heroes, we have been able to form this new cabinet of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). The cabinet's formulation is additional evidence of Kurdistan’s strong commitment to democracy and the peaceful transfer of power to this region.