The Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Department of Information Technology (DIT) has successfully launched a centralized Digital Identity-Based Payroll Management System (PMS)

The Department of Information Technology (DIT) Enhances Government Employees' Digital Capabilities through a Training of Trainers programme
The Department of Information Technology of the Kurdistan Regional Government improves the digital capacity of Government employees through a Training of Trainers (TOT) programme.

The Department of Information Technology Launches the Citizen Complaint System (CCS)
The Department of Information Technology (DIT) proudly announces the launch of the Citizen Complaint System (CCS), an online portal that allows citizens to easily submit complaints and receive feedback from government entities.

DIT announces the launch of KRG’s Business Registration System
The Department of Information Technology (DIT) of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is pleased to announce the launch of the new Business Registration System (BRS).

KRG Department of Information Technology announces the launch of the region's first digital Border Crossing Control System
The Department of Information Technology (DIT) of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) announces the launch of the region's first digital Border Crossing Control System (BCS). An innovative solution aimed at regulating the movement of travelers in and out of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI).

The Digital Transformation Strategy of the Kurdistan Regional Government was announced in a ceremony by the Prime Minister
KRG's first Digital Transformation Strategy was announced by the Prime Minister. The strategy was developed by the DIT with the support of the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office in collaboration with the PM's Office, Adam Smith International and the UK’s GDS

PM Masrour Barzani inaugurates KRG’s Advanced Data Center
Prime Minister Masrour Barzani officially inaugurated the government's first Advanced Data Center.

DIT signed a Letter of Understanding (LoU) with WFP
The Department of Information Technology signed a Letter of Understanding (LoU) with the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) in Iraq in order to collaborate on improving and reforming the Social Protection System in the region

DIT participated in the third technology exhibition - HITEX 2022
The Department of Information Technology participated in the third technology exhibition - HITEX 2022 - to demonstrate the process and strategy of the digital transformation of the Kurdistan Regional Government.

The Department of Information Technology organized a conference about KRG’s Digital Transformation
The Department of Information Technology organized a conference about KRG’s Digital Transformation in which the concept of government digital transformation as well as the challenges and barriers that may face the transition process were highlighted.