Masrour Barzani
The Prime Minister

Qubad Talabani
Deputy Prime Minister

Farsat Ahmad Abdullah
Minister of Justice

Shoresh Ismail Abdulla
Minister of Peshmerga Affairs

Rebar Ahmed Khalid
Minister of Interior

Awat Janab Noori
Minister of Finance and Economy

Saman Hussein Muhammad
Minister of Health

Alan Hama Saeed Salih
Minister of Education

Dana Abdulkareem Hamasalih
Minister of Construction and Housing

Sasan Othman Awni Habib
Minister of Municipalities and Tourism

Aram Mohammad Qadir
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Dara Rashid Mahmud
Minister of Planning

Kwestan Mohamad Abdulla Maarouf
Minister of Labour and Social Affairs

Mohammad Said Ali
Minister of Culture and Youth

Abdullah Mahmood Mohammad
Minister of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs

Begard Dlshad Shukralla
Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources

Kamal Muslim Saeed
Minister of Trade and Industry

Ano Jawhar Abdulmaseeh Abdoka
Minister of Transport and Communications

Pshtiwan Sadq Abdullah
Minister of Endowment and Religious Affairs

Kamal Mohammad Salih Khalil
Minister of Electricity

Minister of State for Negotiation Affairs with the Federal Government

Aydin Maruf Selim
Minister of State

Vala Fareed Ibrahim
Minister of State

Umed Sabah Othman
President of the Diwan of Council of Ministers