At 07:30 AM on 8 June, 2021, Peshmerga soldier Rezwan Mohammad Ali was martyred and several others were injured in an attack carried out by the PKK in the Sharanish Village in the Dohuk Governorate.

Statement by the Ministry of Peshmerga on the Mount Matin attack
Today, a Peshmerga convoy was unjustifiably targeted on Mount Matin, near the border of the Amedi town, and was attacked by the PKK with both light and heavy weaponry. The ambush martyred five brave Peshmerga soldiers and injured seven more.

A Statement by the Ministry of Peshmerga regarding the attack near Amedi, Northern Kurdistan Region
Today, members of the PKK group ambushed and attacked a unit of the Peshmerga Forces on Mount Matina, near the town of Amedi in the northern Kurdistan Region.

Netherlands to continue supporting Peshmerga Forces in their fight against terrorism
Minister of Peshmerga Shorish Ismael, joined by high-ranking Peshmerga officers, today received a Dutch delegation headed by the Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Hans Akerboom, and the Military Advisor for the Dutch Consulate in Erbil, Col. Jan ten Hove.

A statement by Peshmerga Ministry regarding the missile attack in Kifri town
The Ministry of Peshmerga released the following statement in response to the attack on Kifri.

Ministry of Peshmerga Advisor receives British Army Advisors
On March 15, 2021, Advisor to the Peshmerga Minister, Brigadier General Hazhar Omer, received Colonel Steve and Colonel Charlie, British Army Advisors in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

Head of Coalition Logistics Team visits Ministry of Peshmerga
On March 10, 2021, Chief of the fuel depot at the General Directorate of the Ministry of Peshmerga, Lieutenant Colonel Rayan Khalid Salih, welcomed the Head of the logistics team for the Global Coalition, Colonel Arnold, for a tour of the facility and operations.