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Head of OCIA meets with Head of the Victims of Terrorism Programme at the UN Counter-terrorism Centre

In New York, Dr. Dindar Zebari, the KRG Coordinator for International Advocacy and Anna Izar, Head of the Victims of Terrorism Unit at the UN Center for Counter-terrorism, discussed ways to eliminate the threat of ISIS and normalize the situation in Sinjar.

Head of OCIA chaired a meeting on access information right

On May 25, 2022, within the framework of the implementation of the Kurdistan Regional Plan for Human Rights, Dr. Dindar Zebari chaired an extensive meeting on how to implement the Access to Information Law.

OCIA and Heartland Alliance Organized a Workshop on Human Trafficking

Dr. Dindar Zebari delivered a speech at the onset of a one-day workshop organized by KRG Office of the Coordinator for International Advocacy (OCIA) and Heartland Alliance on human trafficking

KRG's Speech in Human Rights Council in Geneva

KRG Coordinator for International Advocacy Addressed the Committee against Torture in Human Rights Council, Geneva

KRG Delegation attends a meeting on ISIS crimes at UN Headquarters

Dr. Dindar Zebari made some remarks on KRG's efforts to hold ISIS accountable for international crimes

The Office of the Coordinator for International Advocacy Had a Visual Meeting with UK's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)

OCIA) had an introductory workshop with the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the British Consulate General in Erbil. UK will hold several workshops that target some integral sections from the Regional Plan for Human Rights. 

The KRG Coordinator Officially Announced the Regional Plan to Media Outlets

In a press conference inside the premises of KRG Council of Ministers, Dr. Dindar Zebari officially announced the Regional Plan to Media Outlets

KRG participates in a meeting to investigate ISIS financial sources in Berlin

KRG Coordinator for International Advocacy participates in a meeting to identify and deplete ISIS's financial resources

Preliminary Clarifications on the 2021 US Department of State’s Country Report on Human Rights Practices

KRG Office of the Coordinator for International Advocacy shares a preliminary clarification on Department of State's annual report on human rights practices 

OCIA Chaired a Workshop on Improving Prison Management

KRG Office of the Coordinator holds a workshop on improving prison management system in coordination with the Prisoners of Justice Network